Im new around here, but I have been getting back into the swing of making music and id love to have my video game OST style discography somewhere. I have 3 songs on the way, 2 of which are mid production, both decent progress on, the other is still just a concept. I'll drop cover art down below for each to give an idea, names are still kind of a work in progress (I feel like you can tell the vibe of a song depending on the image I use, pixel art looking, its going to be game sounding, realistic, probably more of a serious piece with less synths and bit crusher).
(first track that will probably drop before the others)
second song that hasn't been started doesn't have a good picture yet, at least im not feeling any of the test ones Ive made
Third track that will drop probably after the first one (I got a lot of progress already)
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Thanks! You are the first to comment on any of my things <3